"I want to try to predict the future of us as a people. Five hundred years from now, anything can happen, with technology moving as fast as it has been. Today, we can clone animals, we can freeze heads, we can use animal organs to save lives. What's going to happen if all these experiments become reality? I want to come up with something I have not experienced yet."
Not exactly literary?
Q: If you were an animal, what would you be?
I was born in the beginning part of the year of the Rooster. In Chinese Astrology, it means that my mother was pregnant during the year of the Monkey. In that context, I find that the sign of Monkey suits me more.
Nico que fascinante! My personal favorite es el chancho chino (sin anteojos)...¿de dónde lo sacaste?... Acuerdate de mirar los cuadros de Neo Rausch.
Jose, me tincaba que te ibas a ir por el chino gordo chico. TE llame anoche y no contestaba nadie...
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